What are the elements of good publication design? Attractive, eye-catching cover art, reader-friendly layouts with aesthetically pleasing design features and legible typefaces, and finally, helpful charts, diagrams, photos and illustrations.
I incorporate these important elements into the design of reports, guidebooks, manuals, booklets, newsletters, etc., drawing on a wide range of looks and styles to suit any context.
See some samples below.
A unique blend of easy-to-read text and bold illustrations can make complex issues more palatable for the average reader.
A unique blend of easy-to-read text and bold illustrations can make complex issues more palatable for the average reader.
Not everybody is inspired to read articles, books, reports, position papers and other text-heavy publications discussing important issues. Educational comics offer an alternative way to convey your issue to the public.
By adding an element of entertainment that only cartoons can offer, you can capture a reader's interest from start to finish — whether that person is challenged by literacy or is highly literate.
Give me any text you have and I will convert it into plain-language writing richly interwoven with cartoons and visuals that together tell a story that is both engaging and easy to understand.

Labour's Platform for the Americas
This was the public education companion to the historic policy document of the same name drafted in 2005 by labour organizations across the Western Hemisphere under the auspices of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas. The document details a comprehensive list of policy suggestions designed to steer countries away from the ravages of neoliberal economics. It was simultaneously published in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Click on the image to open as a PDF (8 pages).
How the Conservatives Expanded the Temporary Foreign Worker Pipeline — Who Benefits and Who Gets Hurt?
Published in 2012 by the Canadian Labour Congress, this was a public education piece examining the ulterior motives and tactics behind the then Conservative government's dramatic expansion of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, which only served to worsen the systemic worker abuses and inequities that have long plagued the program. Click on the image to open as a PDF (4 pages)
How to Make a Financial Soufflé — The Ingredients of Financial Chaos
This public education resource was published in 2009 in the smouldering aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. Written by prominent Canadian economist Jim Stanford, who was with the Canadian Auto Workers at the time, and designed and illustrated by myself, it serves as a quick primer on how financial bubbles work. It remains relevant today as financial markets are back to dizzying record highs — clearly divorced from the harsh on-the-ground realities of the real economy. Click on the image to open as a PDF (4 pages).
Decent Work For All
Produced in 2015 for the Canadian Labour Congress, this public education resource provides an introduction to the International Labour Organization's "decent work agenda," which all countries, including Canada, are encouraged to work towards in order to help redress the extreme and growing inequalities produced by the current global economic system. Click on the image to open as a PDF (4 pages).
Medicare Under Threat, Parts One and Two
Produced in 2003 for the Canadian Labour Congress, this public education comic looks at some examples of creeping privatization in Canada's health care system, and the dangers this represents to a public system whose core fundamental principle is equitable and universal access. The piece focuses on Public-Private Partnerships and private MRI clinics as examples. Click on the image to open as a PDF (4 pages).