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Every campaign for progressive change  needs eye-catching materials that inspire people to learn about the issues — and, ideally, to act on what they've learned. 


You have a greater chance of getting people on board if the materials you distribute are attractive, easy to read, impactful and memorable.


The design of campaign materials can include things like:


  • Campaign logos and identity systems

  • Information leaflets and backgrounders

  • Posters, flyers, banners and lawn signs

  • Postcards, canvassing cards and mailers

  • Surveys, pledges and sign-up sheets

  • Social media graphics and memes

  • Explainer videos (see Animated Videos)

  • Advertisements (see Advertising)

Billboard for Wellington Water Watchers
Campaign materials for Wellington Water Watchers

Just a few of many materials produced for Wellington Water Watchers' campaign against groundwater extraction in the Canadian province of Ontario by the bottled water industry.



MPP information booklet for Fix Our Schools
Campaign brochure for Fix Our Schools

Some of the materials produced for the 2018 Fix Our Schools campaign in Ontario. Fix Our Schools is a non-partisan group dedicated to documenting and raising the alarm about the physical deterioration of schools and school infrastructure, and pushing for a government commitment to deal with it. Materials included a pamphlet, an information guide aimed at elected representatives, a pledge form, a guide for organizers and activists and a billboard advertising campaign. Click on the first two graphics to see the full documents. See here for more on advertising design.


Billboard Ad Campaign - Fix Our Schools - 2018
Take Your Trash Back Campaign for Environmental Defence - Design and Illustration by Tony Biddle - Copyright
Take Your Trash Back Campaign for Environmental Defence - Design and Illustration by Tony Biddle - Copyright

A pair of web ads produced in 2019 for the Take Back Your Trash campaign by Environmental Defence. The campaign was aimed at building support among consumers and producers for the implementation of a plastic bottle return program that would see a vast reduction in the amount of plastic bottles in Ontario's waste stream. 


The Climate Strike Buss Pass - Take Your Trash Back Campaign - Design and Illustration by Tony Biddle - Copyright

The Climate Strike Bus Pass.  A 2019 campaign for Guelph-Wellington Climate Action in support of the movement for free public transit. Making public transit free would provide more equitable access to transportation, and would reduce the number of cars on the road, helping to mitigate global warming. Click on the image to enlarge.


Get Out The Vote Campaign Mailer Ontario Municipal Elections 2014

A mailer for the "get out the vote" campaign by the Toronto and York Region Labour Council during the 2014 municipal elections. Voter turnout in city elections is typically low. Click on the image to enlarge.


Get Out The Vote Campaign Mailer Ontario Municipal Elections 2014
Campaign Brochure for Stop the Hidden Quarry - Concerned Residents Coalition - Rockwood
Fact Sheet on Dangers of Flyrock from Quarry Blasting - Concerned Residents Coalition - Rockwood
Event Poster on Gravel Pit Proposal - Citizens for Safe Groundwater

Various campaign materials for rural communities in Southwestern Ontario opposed to the opening of new gravel pit mines. Click on the images to see the full versions.


Ad Campaign - No Mandate To Sell Hydro One - 2016 - Keep Hydro Public
Billboard Ad Campaign - Stop Hydro Privatization -  2016 - Keep Hydro Public

Just some of a large series of materials for the Keep Hydro Public campaigns of 2015 and 2016 aimed at stopping the Ontario Liberal government's privatization of parts of the electricity system. Pictured here, an ad / poster and billboard campaign. See here for more information on advertising design.


Plastic Bottles 16 Times Round the World - Event Banner for 2019 World Environment Day - Design and Illustration by Tony Biddle - Copyright

A large rally banner for World Environment Day 2019 to raise awareness about the plastic pollution problem, zeroing in on one of the most prodigious producers of it. This was also circulated in postcard form and as an animated video. Head over to Animated Videos to see it.


The campaign against plastic bottle waste was part of a larger, multi-faceted, years-long campaign to end the reckless extraction of groundwater in Wellington County, Ontario by the transnational water bottling colossus, Nestlé. The company recently announced its plan to cease all bottled water operations in Ontario.


Brochure for Freedom 90 The Union of Food Bank Volunteers

The main information brochure for "Freedom 90", a unique 2013 campaign by a group of food bank volunteers in Ontario. Their simple message to government: "Most of us are elderly. We deserve to retire. Please end the charitable food bank system by eliminating poverty. Let us have our freedom before we reach the age of 90." The campaign concept and imagery was a parody of the infamous advertising campaign by the early retirement investment scheme "Freedom 55". Click the image to see the full document.

Contact:  Tony Biddle   •   •   416-651-8937 - Toronto

Perfect World Design

Copyright 2020, Tony Biddle.  All rights reserved.


Perfect World Design


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