What are the elements of good publication design? Attractive, eye-catching cover art, reader-friendly layouts with aesthetically pleasing design features and legible typefaces, and finally, helpful charts, diagrams, photos and illustrations.
I incorporate these important elements into the design of reports, guidebooks, manuals, booklets, newsletters, etc., drawing on a wide range of looks and styles to suit any context.
See some samples below.
A unique blend of easy-to-read text and bold illustrations can make complex issues more palatable for the average reader.
A unique blend of easy-to-read text and bold illustrations can make complex issues more palatable for the average reader.
Advertising design that gets people's attention, raises awareness, informs, and increases support for your cause. I have worked on many ad campaigns for the defense of our cherished public services, from public education to publicly owned electricity and beyond.
Advertising production includes full booking services in newspapers, on billboards and on public transit systems (buses, shelters, subway platforms, etc.)

An ad campaign from 2015 for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers protesting the planned elimination of door-to-door mail delivery, and tying the electoral prospects of Conservative incumbents to the issue.

Speak Out Against Premier Ford's Ruthless Attack on Working People
A full-page ad in the Toronto Star for CUPE Local 4400, the Toronto Education Workers. In November 2022 the union was at the centre of a fight against the Ford government over its sledge-hammer legislation imposing a contract on the workers while invoking the “Notwithstanding Clause” to override their constitutionally guaranteed right to bargaining collectively. The standoff drew a massive and unprecedented show of solidarity from unions across all sectors in Ontario and across Canada, as workers nationwide became alarmed over Ford's precedent-setting misuse of the Notwithstanding Clause to stymie labour negotiations and workers’ rights. The government backed down under the intense pressure and repealed the legislation, promising to return to the bargaining table.

Thank You to the Frontline and Essential Workers of York Region
A 2020 newspaper ad by the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario - York Region thanking frontline and essential workers for their tireless work during the first wave of the pandemic lockdowns.

The School Office — Nerve Centre of Your Child's School
A newspaper ad produced in 2008 for CUPE 4400 (Toronto Education Workers) emphasizing the crucial role played by office staff in the functioning of schools, and warning against cuts. We later adapted the ad into a 15-second video (right) which played in 2013 on information monitors in the Toronto subway system. Because the subway monitors operate without sound, the ad is silent.

History Test
A magazine ad produced in 2011 for CUPE 4400 (Toronto Education Workers) and the Ontario NDP. The ad was a reminder that most of the rights, protections and benefits enjoyed by workers today would not exist were it not for the unions that fought for them over the years. "Answers: 1) Unions 2) Unions 3) Unions, etc."

Crisis In Toronto Schools
A newspaper ad from 2006 for the Campaign for Public Education warning of cuts to the education system planned by the then provincial Liberal government under Premier Dalton McGuinty.

​Stop Hydro Privatization!
Part of a billboard campaign in 2016 for Keep Hydro Public.

No Mandate to Sell Hydro One
A 2016 newspaper ad for Keep Hydro Public emphasizing the fact that the then Liberal government was not elected with a mandate to sell and privatize Hydro One, which had been a crucial public asset since Sir Adam Beck (whose statue towers above the intersection of Queen Street and University Avenue in Toronto as a potent reminder of his contribution to the public good) wrested the electricity system from the hands of private profiteers back in the early 20th century.

Vision, Betrayal, Hope
A 2016 mural ad for Keep Hydro Public adorns a wall at the Queen's Park subway station in Toronto. Passengers waiting for trains had time to peruse the three-part "story". The ad was part of a larger takeover of the station's ad space for the Keep Hydro Public campaign.

Time For A Change
A 2007 newspaper ad by CUPE 4400 and OSSTF - District 12 asking voters in a Toronto area provincial by-election to consider the poor records of both the Conservatives and Liberals on the education file, implying that they should consider a third option.

​Vote to Fix Ontario's Schools
A billboard campaign in 2018 that ran across Ontario for the group Fix Our Schools, a non-partisan organization dedicated to documenting and raising the alarm about the physical deterioration of schools and school infrastructure, and pushing for a government commitment to deal with it. See Campaign Materials for other pieces related to this campaign.

Save Our Schools
A 2010 magazine ad by CUPE 4400 offering assistance and solidarity to parents organizing against the closing of schools.

​Say No to Nestlé in Wellington County
A billboard for the group Wellington Water Watchers, which mounted a years-long campaign to end the reckless extraction of Wellington County's groundwater for the private bottled water industry. The billboard was erected in 2019 near Nestlé's bottling plant in Aberfoyle, Ontario. See Campaign Materials for more on this campaign.

We Ask Our Students to Do Their Very Best
A 2007 newspaper ad by CUPE 4400 and OSSTF - District 12 alleging that the then Liberal government was barely better for Ontario's education system than its Conservative predecessor, which had presided over massive cuts and confrontational labour relations with the province's teachers.

Soaring Privatized Electricity Bills
A 2015 newspaper ad by CUPE Ontario and OPSEU warning of the dangers of the then Liberal government's plan to privatize Hydro One, and asking residents to pressure elected representatives to vote down the bill. The ad appeared in community papers across Ontario.